December 13: PERS: The First Five Years

Start Planning For Your Retirement In Your First Five Years with PERS

Wednesday December 13, 2023

12:00PM – 1:00PM



Do you want a deeper understanding of how your State retirement program, called the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), works?

  • Are you in your first five years of employment with the State? 
  • Are you uncertain about all the terms and acronyms related to PERS, like vesting, IAP, and OPSRP?  
  • Are you curious about how your pension benefits are calculated?  

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this workshop is especially for you! Learn about all these topics and more by attending PERS: The First Five Years workshop hosted by Uplift Oregon. This workshop, facilitated by PERS, will demystify the PERS system, help you understand how PERS works, and provide you with resources to get the most out of your retirement benefits.  

This workshop is designed for employees within their first five years of employment at the State. Learn more about how the PERS program works, how your pension benefits are calculated, and what resources are available to you.

Topics include:

  • PERS programs.
  • Individual Account Program.
  • Membership and vesting.
  • Preretirement benefits.
  • Benefit eligibility.
  • Benefit calculation.
  • Online benefit estimates.
  • Planning for the future.

Visit PERS website for more information and resources

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